Right from the start we knew that we wanted to create something very unique with our zipline. That we had to create something unique.

It should be a place that was fun, that gives you thrills, where you could let yourself go and simply enjoy the wind in your hair. A place where you can simply leave your everyday life and any obstacles way behind you.

However, we were also aware that not everyone faces the same obstacles. That the obstacles and stones on certain paths are much bigger, much more powerful, much heavier than others. That not everyone takes the same steps on their path and that part of our society has no other choice but driving around them. And this is exactly where we wanted to make a fundamental change:

We wanted to be the first zipline for everyone. We wanted to be the first zipline that breaks down barriers, overcomes boundaries and lets you fly – whether you are in a wheelchair or not.

Just one year after our opening, our dream has come true: together with our manufacturer, we have developed a unique concept that allows people in wheelchairs to fly like a dragon, comfortably, without the hassle of having to book in advance and without a wheelchair. From June 2024, we will officially be Europe’s first wheelchair-friendly zipline.

30 - 125kg

Everyone is subject to a weight limit of 30 – 125 kg (without wheelchair)

Manual Wheelchair

We can currently only transport manual wheelchairs. Please come without an electric wheelchair. We are already working on a solution for all types of wheelchairs

Flight experience

First we send down your wheelchair, second you’ll be able to fly like a dragon yourself


The paths to our DragonFly are paved. However, the last section is quite steep (15%), so you need to have someone to secure you

No appointments

You can simply drop by without making an appointment

Group bookings

We offer group bookings. Please contact us in advance per mail to arrange an exclusive appointment outside our opening hours